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Google-ka-Dinosaur's github profile

A web3 based decentralised money lending system to allow users to send,receive,borrow and lend money(on Goerli Testnet)


adity2911's github profile

Video Calling Android App


PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Frontend project, Business website , House renting Website

Netflix Clone (firebase)

PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Frontend project, with TMDB api used to fetch the movies


trishit78's github profile

A Web project that creates a similar use case webpage of IMDB Website, using React,Tailwind CSS,Material UI,TMDB API

Tetris Game

Mukesh751's github profile

This project is a clone of 90s famous game Tetris

Voice Assistant App

jiggy9's github profile

It is a flutter voice assistant application where you can ask for any answer and it'll help through voice and text.

SignUp Form Nodejs

HarshSharma0801's github profile

This is a database SignUp form for admin

BMI Calculator

sumitkr2000's github profile

BMI Calculator is used to measure the Body Mass Index of a person. By measuring BMI, a person can know if he is underweight, normal or overweight.


Parul1606's github profile

Fake News Detection using ML, DL, LSTM, NLP, Stemming, Lemmatization, and Data Visualization for classifying news articles.